Digest of news from Ukrhydroenergo for the week

admin August 18, 2023
Press service of Ukrhydroenergo

Preparation for the autumn-winter season 2023-2024:
Ukrhydroenergo operated a hydro unit after its reconstruction at one of the hydropower plants.

Digest of news from Ukrhydroenergo for the week

The situation at Kahovska HPP  as of August 18:

  •  The average level of the lower reservoir near the Dnipro HPP dam is 13.58 meters above sea level.
  • Kahovske reservoir covered all water needs for the agricultural and industrial complex. The consequences of water shortage will be evident next year, especially in spring.
  • Four economic reasons supporting the restoration of Kahovska HPP by the director of strategic projects at KSE Institute, Maxim Fedoseyenko.

International dimension:

  •  Ukrhydroenergo and the Czech company ZDAS signed a Memorandum of Cooperation to implement reconstruction and new construction projects for hydroelectric power stations.
  • Expert on gender issues, political science candidate Mykhailo Koryukalov discussed "Gender Equality through Men's Eyes."
  •  Seminar discussions during the Month of Gender Equality and Women's Rights Expansion at Ukrhydroenergo focused on combating violence, its forms, and the conditions employers should provide to support their employees.
  • Experts continue hydro ecological research on the Dniester River.