Ukrhydroenergo is the largest hydropower generating company in Ukraine, 100% shares of which belong to the state. The company is on the list of 15 enterprises in the public sector of the economy, the total assets comprising 70% of the total indicator in the public sector.
The Company includes ten power plants on the Dnipro and Dnister rivers:
Kyiv HPP and Kyiv PSPP
Kaniv HPP
Kremenchuk HPP
Seredniodniprovska HPP
Dnipro-1 HPP and Dnipro-2 HPP
Kakhovka HPP
Dnister HPP and Dnister PSPP
Kaniv PSPP is being prepared for construction.
Kyiv HPP
Kaniv PSPP
Kaniv HPP
Kremenchuk HPP
Seredniodniprovska HPP
Dnipro HPP
Kakhovka HPP
Kakhovka-2 HPP
Dnister PSPP
Dnister HPP
Hydropower plants of Ukrhydroenergo are modern energy enterprises, landmarks of the places where they are located, and infrastructural pride of the industry.
Ukrhydroenergo provides coverage of peak loads, frequency and power regulation, and a mobile emergency reserve in the United Energy System of Ukraine.
Generating clean energy, for many years, the Company has been one of the leaders in filling the state budget and is among the TOP-20 largest taxpayers of Ukraine.
Analysis of financial indicators of Ukrhydroenergo in recent years confirms a stable financial result and positive dynamics of the development. The growth rate of net income over the past 3 years is 183.7%.
The company's work is ensured by more than 3,200 employees — real professionals in their field. Relying on fair and modern systems of remuneration and motivation, material and non-material encouragement of employees, the company ensures the formation of effective and professional staff and increases the efficiency of the production and economic activity of the Company as a whole.
By the way, the salary level in the company is the highest among the enterprises in the energy industry of Ukraine.
Ukrhydroenergo is a socially responsible company that stands guard over gender equality and non-discrimination in the workplace.
Each employee is treated with respect here, ensuring the observance and protection of personal rights and freedoms. Gender balance, inclusiveness, and diversity are priority approaches of management activity of the Company.

One of the key priorities of Ukrhydroenergo is to promote the stable development of the Company's regions.
The company continues to build up long-term relations with the regions of its operation, implement social and infrastructure projects, promote the growth of related sectors of the economy and provide employment opportunities, which generally contributes to the improved living standards of the population in the regions.
Ukrhydroenergo plays a principal role in the economic development of the regions, involving local producers and suppliers to participate in projects and paying deductions to the budgets of all levels in due time.
The company implements projects in various directions, including those related to the infrasctucture’s development, education, development and support of medicine, sports and a healthy lifestyle, tourism, and environmental protection.
The company joined the global process of ensuring sustainable development. Going this way, in partnership with local communities, business partners, and authorities, Ukrhydroenergo makes a significant contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals on a global scale.