German diplomats inspected the extent of Kaniv HPP destruction
JULY 18. German delegation headed by German Ambassador Martin Jaeger inspected the sites of enemy missile arrivals at the Kaniv hydroelectric power plant and saw the damage caused to the plant by russian attacks.

During the visit, Ukrainian specialists and German diplomats discussed the urgent need to repair the damaged equipment as soon as possible.
CEO of Ukrhydroenergo Ihor Syrota told Martin Jaeger about Ukrhydroenergo's promising projects, including plans to implement the Kanivska PSPP construction project. The CEO of Ukrhydroenergo emphasized the importance of building new generating capacities, which are now essential for Ukrainian power system.
As a reminder, Ukrhydroenergo has updated the 1000 MW Kanivska PSPP project, which includes new design solutions that will meet the realities of wartime.