Update on the consequences of the Kakhovka HPP explosion
The water level in the Nikopol area, according to the Hydrometeorological Center, was 9.04 meters as of 20:00 on June 11. Due to the loss of hydraulic connection with the main part of the reservoir, further observations at the post are not possible. Experts are looking for a way to continue the measurements.

The water level in the Dnipro at the Kherson mark has dropped by 57 cm overnight and as of 06:00 on June 12, is 3.62 meters.
The explosion of Kakhovka HPP did not affect the operation of Kyiv HPP and PSPP, Kaniv, Kremenchuk and Sredniodniprovska HPP.
Due to a sharp drop in the water level in the lower reaches of the Dnipro HPP, the plant's hydraulic units are operating with restrictions. No idle water has been discharged into the lower reservoir since May.
32 settlements on the right bank of the Dnipro River and 14 settlements on the temporarily occupied territory remain flooded.
The evacuation of people from the flooded areas continues and the issue of supplying the population with drinking and industrial water is being resolved.
Ukrhydroenergo and the design institute are working on a project to build a cofferdam (dam) for the Kakhovka reservoir. They will be ready to start work immediately after the region is de-occupied. The main task is to restore the Kakhovka reservoir and water supply to the affected areas as soon as possible.