Mikhailo Koriukalov: For me, gender equality is about advantage, efficiency, and happiness.
How do modern men understand the issue of gender equality? What stereotypes exist in society, and can both individuals and companies be gender-sensitive? These topics were discussed by gender expert and political science candidate Mikhailo Koriukalov during the motivational meeting "Gender Equality through the Eyes of Men."

"For me, gender equality is about advantage, efficiency, and happiness at family and personal levels. At the responsible level, gender equality is about the right to be who you want to be and the happiness of being who you want to be," stated the expert at the beginning of the meeting.
Mikhailo shared how he became aware of the need to engage with gender equality issues and discussed his professional experiences in this realm.

The expert emphasized that nowadays, the concept of gender equality is becoming more comprehensive and includes social inclusion. In Mikhailo's view, gender equality must encompass human rights, non-discrimination, efficiency, and optimal resource utilization within the framework of sustainable development.
Mikhailo pointed out that in society, specific social roles are still conventionally associated with women or men. To overcome these stereotypes, he provided advice on interaction in various contexts: "Gender equality is not about equalizing women and men. Gender equality is not a 50-50 distribution. It's about equalizing social roles."
The gender expert also advised men in the workplace to encourage women to express their ideas, evaluate actual work rather than gender expectations, support women in conflicts where both sides are equal, and reduce the use of sexist jokes and anecdotes. At home, Mikhailo suggested sharing household responsibilities based on who is less busy, avoiding limiting children to specific gender roles, setting a personal example for boys, and explaining technical details to girls.

Mikhailo also mentioned having a strategy to promote responsible fatherhood in companies. He provided exciting insights about interaction in partnership businesses and among friends.
Participants from different parts of Ukraine posed various questions during the motivational meeting. Deputy CEO Alexander Krush addressed the issue of dividing professions into feminine and masculine at the beginning of career choices. Mikhailo Koriukalov noted that societal stereotypes, a lack of visual examples, and the initial opportunities available to individuals greatly influence career choices at the outset.
Participants also inquired about Mikhailo's stance on whether women should be obliged to serve in the military. He mentioned that currently, women are not required to serve militarily, as this historical practice is part of the social contract in Ukraine.

After the meeting, Julia Galustyan, a gender expert from the USAID Energy Security Project, expressed gratitude for the significant work and contribution to the energy sector. She highlighted the progress of the company Ukrhydroenergo in implementing gender approaches and praised Gender Equality Month as a substantial step.
Wrapping up the event, Yulia Tolchinina-Burunska, Director of the Department of Legal Support and Property Relations, announced future online seminars on domestic violence's impact on employees and a motivational meeting on personal branding, reputation, leadership skills, and the art of negotiation, all within the context of gender equality and expanding opportunities for women at Ukrhydroenergo.