Operational Information as of October 18

After the current repairs, two hydro units with a total capacity of 46 MW have been put into operation.
HPPs and PSPPs of the company continue to provide coverage for peak loads, frequency and power regulation, as well as mobile emergency reserve in the United Power System of Ukraine.
The average level of the lower Dnieper reservoir near the Dnipro HPP dam is at the 12.81 m AMSL mark. The station's hydro units continue to operate according to the dispatch schedule.
The initial estimate of the total recovery and reconstruction needs for the Kahovka Hydrosystem is $5.04 billion USD, and this figure is expected to increase as more detailed assessments are conducted. In the short term, $1.82 billion USD is needed for recovery measures in 2023/2024. This is stated in the report presented by the Government of Ukraine and the United Nations. The total losses are estimated at $13.79 billion USD.