Ukrhydroenergo transferred UAH 1.75 billion in dividends to the State Budget of Ukraine

Ukrhydroenergo has made an advance payment of UAH 1.75 billion in dividends to the state budget, based on the results of its business activities in 2023. This prepayment follows the Cabinet Decision № 163-r, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers on February 27, 2024.
According to this decision, the company was required to ensure an advance transfer of annual dividends to the state budget. This amount is calculated from the projected financial and economic activity results for 2023 and must be at least 50% of the total annual dividend amount.
As a socially responsible entity, Ukrhydroenergo prioritises the timely payment of taxes and dividends, especially in wartime, to support the Armed Forces and the overall state.
By fulfilling its significant socio-economic mission, the company ensures the full payment of taxes and duties to the national budget.
In 2023, Ukrhydroenergo's contributions to the state budget amounted to UAH 8.3 billion, which includes dividends.